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Research in GLS aims at understanding at the molecular level how plants deal with biotic and abiotic constraints, how they interact with insects (herbivores, pollinators), microbes and other organisms and how they diversified during evolution. 

Plants are the world's primary source for food, raw materials for industry, and they provide the oxygen we breathe. Although the health of plants is constantly challenged in both natural and agronomic ecosystems, plants can master most challenges. Knowledge of the genetics and biochemistry of processes in plants can be translated into improvement of agricultural crops and plant protection schemes.

The green life sciences research groups operate within the national graduate school  Experimental Plant Science (EPS). They have a tradition in collaborating with industrial partners, mainly plant breeding companies. 

The MSc study track Biological Sciences: Green Life Sciences gives you the opportunity to combine training in the theoretical and practical aspects of chemical ecology, ecogenomics, biotechnology, plant breeding, phytopathology, cell biology, biochemistry and population biology. This enables students to develop an integrated view of the functioning of plants.

The research groups in the SILS research theme Green Life Sciences collaborate closely with the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) in the Faculty Research Priority Area "Green Life Sciences". 

Research Groups of the research theme Green Life Sciences

Epigenetic Regulation in Plants
Dr Maike Stam

Molecular Plant Pathology
Chaired by Prof. Martijn Rep
Dr Sebastian Pfeilmeier
Dr Frank Takken

Plant Cell Biology
Dr Teun Munnik

Plant Development and Genetics
Chaired by Prof. Ronald Koes
Dr Francesca Quattrocchio

Plant Physiology
Chaired by Prof. Michel Haring
Prof. Rob Schuurink
Dr Petra Bleeker
Dr Silke Allmann

Plant Hormone Biology

Chaired by Prof. Harro Bouwmeester
Dr. Lemeng Dong
Dr. Kathrin Wippel