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Cooking workshop Kessels group
The Kessels group during a cooking workshop
Prof. dr. H.W.H.G. (Helmut) Kessels

Full professor

Dr. N.L.M. (Natalie) Cappaert

Assistant Professor

Dr. P.J.P. (Pascal) Chameau PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. J.A. (Jan) Gorter

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. (Marlies) Oostland

Assistant Professor

Dr E.A. (Erwin) van Vliet

Assistant Professor

Dr. S.L. (Sylvie) Lesuis PhD

Postdoctoral researcher

J.L. (Jurriaan) Schreuder MSc

Postdoctoral researcher

K.J. (Karin) Koymans MSc

PhD candidate

L.B. (Lucas) Lumeij MSc

PhD candidate

A. (Anaïs) Notario Reinoso

PhD candidate

L.A.J. (Léa) Salette

PhD candidate

Dr. ing. N.R. (Niels) Reinders PhD

Guest researcher


Prof. dr. W.J. (Wytse) Wadman
