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Principle investigators

Prof. dr. S. (Stanley) Brul

Director College of Life Sciences-BSc Biomedical Sciences and Head Molecular Biology

Dr J. (Jianbo) Zhang

Assistant Professor Molecular Biology and Microbial Food Safety

Dr. M.T. (Meike) Wortel

Head of Evolutionary Systems Biology

Prof. dr. S. (Sahar) El Aidy PhD

Chair of Microbiome Engineering

Prof. dr. ir. H.J. (Harro) Bouwmeester

Chair of Plant Hormone Biology

Dr. rer. nat. A.U.S. (Anna) Heintz Buschart

Assistant professor of Microbial Metagenomics

Dr K. (Kathrin) Wippel

Faculty of Science

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

Dr. ir. J.M. (Jasper) de Goeij

Associate Professor of Marine Benthic Ecology

Prof. dr. G. (Gerard) Muijzer

Professor of Microbial Systems Ecology

Prof. dr. E. (Egija) Zaura

University Research Chair Professor in Oral Microbial Ecology at ACTA

Prof. dr. A.D.J. (Aalt-Jan) van Dijk

Faculty of Science

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

Dr. G. (Gertjan) Kramer

Faculty of Science

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

Dr. A. (Aniko) Korosi

Faculty of Science

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences