10:00 h Welcome
10:30-10:45 Introduction by Prof. Age Smilde
10:45-11:20 Dr Evrim Acar Ataman (Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo)
“Extracting Insights from Complex Data: Data Mining using Tensor Factorizations”
11:20-11:35 Coffee
11:35-12:10 Prof. Paul Groth (IVI, University of Amsterdam)
“Accelerating Life Sciences Research through Machine Intelligence”
12:10-12:45 Prof. Christine Orengo (UCL Londen)
“How will AlphaFold and AI Change our View of Protein Fold and Function Space?”
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:20 Prof. Daniele Marinazzo (UGhent)
“Beyond pairwise functional interactions in complex systems: insights from information theory”
14:20-14:50 Prof. Dick de Ridder (WUR, Wageningen)
“Bioinformatics in the green life sciences”
14:50-15:00 Closing by Prof. Age Smilde
15:00-16:00 Drinks
Registration via the website has closed. We do have a few spots left. If you still want to join, you can contact Anoeska directly.