Dr. Teun Munnik | University of Amsterdam
Plant molecular biology, plant stress, signal transduction
WP1: Molecular mechanism of organic N acquisition, -metabolism and -storage
Prof. dr. Aalt-Jan van Dijk | University of Amsterdam
Bioinformatics, systems biology, ML, network inference, AI
Dr. Salma Balazadeh | Leiden University
Plant molecular biology, stress physiology, networks
Dr. Saer Samanipour | University of Amsterdam
Metabolomics, machine learning, AI
Dr. Gertjan Kramer | University of Amsterdam
Mass Spectrometry: proteomics, metabolomics
WP2: Unveil qualities of alternative protein crops
Prof. dr. Wim Vriezen | Maastricht University
Crop breeding, molecular plant physiology
Prof. dr. ir. Luisa Trindade | Wageningen University & Research
Genetics and breeding of pulses and fibre crops
Prof. dr. Eric Schranz | Wageningen University Research
Biosystematics, evolutionary genetics, underutilized crops
WP3: Ecosystem impacts of novel protein crops and cropping systems
Prof. dr. Peter van Bodegom | Leiden University
Environmental biology, biodiversity, biogeography
Prof. dr. Astrid Groot | University of Amsterdam
Evolutionary biology, chemical ecology, plant-insect interactions
Dr. Emilia Hannula | Leiden University
Soil health, microbiome
WP4: Cycles and climate impacts
Dr. José Mogollón | Leiden University
Global food system environmental impacts. Nutrient trade & cycles
Dr. Emiel van Loon | University of Amsterdam
Statistical & computational ecology
WP5: From field to food
Dr. Lizette Oudhuis | Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Food technology, nutrition and health
Dr. Lizette Oudhuis | Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Food safety and food matrix
WP6: Governing the shift towards plant-based food production and consumption
Prof. dr. Frenk van Harreveld | University of Amsterdam
Attitudes and behavioural change around health, safety, sustainability
Prof. dr. Hens Runhaar | Utrecht University
Policy & governance, transition studies, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, food systems
Prof. dr. Marko Hekkert | Utrecht University
Sustainable innovations and transitioning towards a sustainable society
Dr. Tina Venema | Utrecht University
Social psychology, consumer behavior, nudging, food environment
Dr. Brian Dermody | Utrecht University
Interdisciplinary, system modeling, just & sustainable food system transformation
WP7 and WP8: knowlegde transfer, impact, and operation of the consortium
Dr. Roos van Maanen | University of Amsterdam
Valorisation, co-creation, community building
Dr. Juliane Steinhardt | University of Amsterdam
Project management
Drs. Marcel Bartels | University of Amsterdam
Business Development Sustainability Research
(Together with project coordinator Dr. Teun de Munnik)
Conan Luidens | Holistic Cooking
Holistic Cooking
Sven Warris | Interactivity
AI, Data science and ML
Patrick Lemmens | Limburg Agriculture & Horticulture Union (LLTB)
Advocacy for agriculture sector
Hans Verkerk | Cumela Nederland
Green, soil, manure & infrastructure
Danny Vermuë | VOF Vermue
Biofarming, nettles
Marc Laus | Royal Avebe
Food ingredients
Stef Mellema | ROM InWest
Sustainable innovation
Donna Stolwijk | Caring Farmers
Sustainable farming
Annabelle Williams | Soil Heroes
Sustainable farming
Jan Sikkema | Fascinating
Circular agriculture
Harald van Santen | Grassa
Grass valorisation
Marieke Lameris | Lekker Lupine!
Lupine valorisation
Marko Hekkert | PBL Environmental Assessment Agency
Environmental assessments
Paul Groenewegen | Compas Agro
Agro consultancy
Frits Kremer | Food policy
Network of senior food professionals
Ronald van den Breevaart | Greenport Aalsmeer
Public-private network in agriculture
Zsuzsan Proos | Transitiecoalitie Voedsel
Healthy food and healthy planet
Sebastian Sbuttoni | Future Proof Group Media
Future proof B2B communication and conferences
Janneke Hoekstra | Land van Ons
Agriculture and biodiversity
Gert-Jan de Boer | Enza Zaden