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Drs. J. (Jolanda) Verheul

Faculty of Science
Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C2.139
Postal address
  • Postbus 94232
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications




    • Verheul, J., Lodge, A., Yau, H. C. L., Liu, X., Boelter, G., Liu, X., Solovyova, A. S., Typas, A., Banzhaf, M., Vollmer, W., & den Blaauwen, T. (2022). Early midcell localization of Escherichia coli PBP4 supports the function of peptidoglycan amidases. PLOS Genetics, 18(5), e1010222.


    • Banzhaf, M., Yau, H. C. L., Verheul, J., Lodge, A., Kritikos, G., Mateus, A., Cordier, B., Hov, A. K., Stein, F., Wartel, M., Pazos, M., Solovyova, A. S., Breukink, E., van Teeffelen, S., Savitski, M. M., den Blaauwen, T., Typas, A., & Vollmer, W. (2020). Outer membrane lipoprotein NlpI scaffolds peptidoglycan hydrolases within multi-enzyme complexes in Escherichia coli. EMBO Journal, 39(5), Article e102246. [details]





    • Gray, A. N., Egan, A. J. F., van 't Veer, I. L., Verheul, J., Colavin, A., Koumoutsi, A., Biboy, J., Altelaar, A. F. M., Damen, M. J., Huang, K. C., Simorre, J. P., Breukink, E., den Blaauwen, T., Typas, A., Gross, C. A., & Vollmer, W. (2015). Coordination of peptidoglycan synthesis and outer membrane constriction during Escherichia coli cell division. eLife, 4, Article e07118. [details]
    • Vischer, N. O. E., Verheul, J., Postma, M., van den Berg van Saparoea, B., Galli, E., Natale, P., Gerdes, K., Luirink, J., Vollmer, W., Vicente, M., & den Blaauwen, T. (2015). Cell age dependent concentration of Escherichia coli divisome proteins analyzed with ImageJ and ObjectJ. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, Article 586. [details]


    • Mohammadi, T., Sijbrandi, R., Lutters, M., Verheul, J., Martin, N. I., den Blaauwen, T., de Kruijff, B., & Breukink, E. (2014). Specificity of the transport of lipid II by FtsW in Escherichia coli. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(21), 14707-14718. [details]


    • van der Ploeg, R., Verheul, J., Vischer, N. O. E., Alexeeva, S., Hoogendoorn, E., Postma, M., Banzhaf, M., Vollmer, W., & den Blaauwen, T. (2013). Colocalization and interaction between elongasome and divisome during a preparative cell division phase in Escherichia coli. Molecular Microbiology, 87(5), 1074-1087. [details]


    • Leisch, N., Verheul, J., Heindl, N. R., Gruber-Vodicka, H. R., Pende, N., den Blaauwen, T., & Bulgheresi, S. (2012). Growth in width and FtsZ ring longitudinal positioning in a gammaproteobacterial symbiont. Current Biology, 22(19), R831-R832. [details]


    • Olrichs, N. K., Aarsman, M. E. G., Verheul, J., Arnusch, C. J., Martin, N. I., Hervé, M., Vollmer, W., de Kruijff, B., Breukink, E., & den Blaauwen, T. (2011). A novel in vivo cell-wall labeling approach sheds new light on peptidoglycan synthesis in Escherichia coli. ChemBioChem, 12(7), 1124-1133. [details]


    • Alexeeva, S., Gadella (jr.), T. W. J., Verheul, J., Verhoeven, G. S., & den Blaauwen, T. (2010). Direct interactions of early and late assembling division proteins in Escherichia coli cells resolved by FRET. Molecular Microbiology, 77(2), 384-398. [details]
    • Potluri, L., Karczmarek, A., Verheul, J., Piette, A., Wilkin, J.-M., Werth, N., Banzhaf, M., Vollmer, W., Young, K. D., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & den Blaauwen, T. (2010). Septal and lateral wall localization of PBP5, the major D,D-carboxypeptidase of Escherichia coli, requires substrate recognition and membrane attachment. Molecular Microbiology, 77(2), 300-323. [details]
    • Typas, A., Banzhaf, M., van den Berg van Saparoea, B., Verheul, J., Biboy, J., Nichols, R. J., Zietek, M., Beilharz, K., Kannenberg, K., von Rechenberg, M., Breukink, E., den Blaauwen, T., Gross, C. A., & Vollmer, W. (2010). Regulation of peptidoglycan synthesis by outer-membrane proteins. Cell, 143(7), 1097-1109. [details]


    • Mohammadi, T., Ploeger, G. E. J., Verheul, J., Comvalius, A. D., Martos, A., Alfonso, C., van Marle, J., Rivas, G., & den Blaauwen, T. (2009). The GTPase activity of Escherichia coli FtsZ determines the magnitude of the FtsZ polymer bundling by ZapA in vitro. Biochemistry, 48(46), 11056-11066. [details]


    • Pennartz, C. M. A., Lee, E., Verheul, J., Lipa, P., Barnes, C. A., & McNaughton, B. L. (2004). The ventral striatum in off-line processing: ensemble reactivation during sleep and modulation by hippocampal ripples. The Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 6446-6456. [details]


    • Meijer, A. G. W., Verheul, J., Albers, F. W. J., & Segenhout, H. M. (2002). Cartilage interposition in ossiculoplasty with hydroxylapatite prostheses: a histopathologic study in the guinea pig. The Annals of Otology Rhinology & Laryngology, 111(4), 364-9.


    • Verheul, J., Segenhout, J. M., Dunnebier, E. A., Albers, F. W., Blaauw, E. H., & Wit, H. P. (1999). Ultrastructure of the endolymphatic sac in two-phase endolymphatic hydrops in the guinea pig. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 119(3), 345-50.


    • Verheul , J., Lodge, A., Yau, H. C. L., Liu, X., Solovyova, A. S., Typas, A., Banzhaf, M., Vollmer, W., & den Blaauwen, T. (2020). Midcell localization of PBP4 of Escherichia coli is essential for the timing of divisome assembly. (Version 1 ed.) BioRxiv. [details]

    Talk / presentation

    • den Blaauwen, T. (speaker), Verheul , J. (speaker) & van den Berg van Saparoea, B. (speaker) (21-10-2008). Localization and interactions of peptidoglycan synthesis enzymes MraY and PBP1A in Escherichia coli., EUR-INTAFAR 6th general assembly, Bled, Slovenia.


    • Mertens, L. M. Y., den Blaauwen, T., Liu, X. & Verheul , J. (13-12-2023). Cell division cycle fluctuation of Pal concentration in Escherichia coli. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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