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Drs. Q.C. (Quint) van Loosen

PhD Candidate Epigenetic Editing
Faculty of Science
Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 1212
    1000 BE Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Education
    • MSc Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology at Leiden University (Cum Laude)

    Research Project: Identifying stemness inducers in human prostate cancer cells

    • BSc Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University

    Research Project: Nanopatterning peptides using DNA origami

    • Synthetic Biology competition IGEM

    Team Leiden member - Special Award won for best biosafety project

  • Social Media
  • Publications


    • van den Berg van Saparoea, A. C. H., van Loosen, Q. C., Sarno, F., Ntini, E., Rots, M. G., Gjaltema, R. A. F., & Verschure, P. J. (2024). Plasmid Delivery and Single-Cell Plasmid Expression Analysis for CRISPR/dCas9-Based Epigenetic Editing. In Methods in Molecular Biology ' Epigenome Editing' (Vol. 2842, pp. 255-265). (Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities