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Prof. dr. M. (Martijn) Rep

Full Professor

Dr. ing. F.L.W. (Frank) Takken

Associate Professor

Dr. J.S. (Sebastian) Pfeilmeier

Assistant Professor

Ing. B. (Bas) Beerens


Ing. P.M. (Petra) Houterman


M.J. (Jo) Gomila Ubero


Dr V.A. (Victor) Sánchez Camargo

Postdoctoral researcher

Dr. rer. nat. D.P. (Daniel) Zendler

Postdoctoral researcher

M.V. (Machiel) Cligge MSc

PhD candidate

N.F. (Nicolas) Gaertner

PhD candidate

A. (Annemarie) Vermeulen MSc

PhD candidate

B.V. (Babette) Vlieger MSc

PhD candidate

Dr H.A. (Harrold) van den Burg

Professor by special appointment