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Copyright: MiCROP consortium

MiCRop aims to harness the genomic potential of root microbes to improve stress resilience of future crops and sustainable food production.

Copyright: MicroHealth

The MicroHealth consortium of the UvA and Amsterdam UMC aims to link the impact of agriculture on the soil and plant microbiome to the consequences for humans.


The Holomicrobiome Initiative studies microbiomes as part of holomicrobiomes and creates tools that predict effects of potential interventions. 


MetaHealth is a large NWO research consortium about the role of microbial, sociocultural and care context on health in the first 1000 days of life.

Research Priority Area: Personal Microbiome Health

Personal Microbiome Health (PMH) focuses on understanding the complex host-microbiome-environment interactions, important for disease prevention.

Research Priority Area: Systems Biology of Host Microbiome Interactions

The focus of Systems Biology is on host-microbiome interactions divided over various sub-themes. It is a collaboration of research groups of SILS and IBED.

Research Priority Area: The Centre for Urban Mental Health (UMH)

The UMH aims to understand how people can thrive in an urban environment and reduce the burden of mental disorders..