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Bacterial cells in a 'persister' state pose a significant problem for antibiotic resistance, as they are not susceptible to traditional antibiotics. An international team of researchers, led by UvA Professor of General Microbiology Leendert Hamoen, has now discovered a way to kill these cells. The discovery holds promise for the development of new antibiotics. The research findings were recently published in Nature Communications.
Microscopic image (image: Leendert Hamoen)
Sporulating bacteria (image: Leendert Hamoen)

Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern, especially with prolonged and recurring infections. A major issue is the presence of bacterial cells in the so-called persister state. In this state, they either stop growing temporarily or grow very slowly, making them resistant to traditional antibiotics that target cell wall, protein, or DNA synthesis. Hamoen and his colleagues found that these cells can still be killed by compounds that disrupt the electrical charge across the cell membrane. "It was a big surprise for us that this disruption leads to the production of superoxide radicals, which damage essential cell components, like DNA and proteins," Hamoen explains.

Microscopy recording of active and inactive bacteria within a population (image: Leendert Hamoen)
Microscopy recording of active and inactive bacteria within a population (image: Leendert Hamoen)
Disrupted Electrical Charge

A key source of the superoxide radicals turned out to be the conserved Rieske  factor QcrA (see box), which is also found in mitochondria (the 'powerhouses' of a cell). Using fluorescence microscopy, the researchers demonstrated that disrupting the membrane's electrical charge likely causes this Rieske factor to detach from the large membrane protein complex it is normally part of.

Hamoen adds, "This finding explains why antibiotics that target the cell membrane are effective against slow-growing bacteria, such as the tuberculosis bacillus. This opens up possibilities for developing new antibiotics that can target antibiotic-tolerant persister cells and bacteria that have become resistant to conventional antibiotics."

publication details

Declan Gray, Biwen Wang, Margareth Sidarta, Fabián Cornejo, Jurian Wijnheijmer, Rupa Rani, Pamela Gamba, Kürşad Turgay, Michaela Wenzel, Henrik Strahl en Leendert Hamoen: ‘Membrane depolarization kills dormant Bacillus subtilis cells by generating a lethal dose of ROS’, in: Nature Communications 15, 6877 (2024)

Prof. dr. L.W. (Leendert) Hamoen

Faculty of Science

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences