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NWO approved eighteen grant applications in the Open Competition Domain Science-M programme for innovative, high-quality, fundamental research and/or studies involving matters of scientific urgency. Francesca Quattrocchio was one of the successful applicants with her project:

The plant vacuole, a large storage seeking users

Vacuoles are the largest organelles in plant cells, and
the most mysterious. They can have many different
functions. Most cells have a single vacuole, while others
have multiple with different contents and functions. To
understand how vacuoles are formed and functionally
differentiate, we study flower colour mutants with specific
defects in these processes. The acquired knowledge
answers fundamental questions in Cellbiology and opens
new ways to breed crops (with improved taste, color,
aroma, phytonutrients) and to optimize vacuoles for
the storage high-value proteins and compounds for the
food-, chemical- and pharmaceutical-industry.

Dr. F. (Francesca) Quattrocchio

Faculty of Science

SILS/Molecular Plant Pathology