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On Saturday 1 October the halls were buzzing with excitement, wonder and enthusiasm on science! A regular day at Science Park, you'd say. Nothing was less true: it was the Science Park Open Day, part of the Weekend van de Wetenschap. There was a fully packed program and hundreds of visitors enjoyed all aspects of the science in Science Park. An report to show some of the SILS contributions.

All SILS research themes were represented in the activities. The - often young - guests could learn everything about our research on the interactive information market. From how the senses work, to protein research, where milk comes from, to the defense of plants. They isolated DNA from fruit, played a VR game about the root microbiome and our microbiologists hosted many scientists-to-be in our labs. 

Hearing the enthusiastic reactions you'd say we accomplished to bring science to the audience on this day. Many young visitors told our researchers that they wanted to become a researcher themselves, and also the older audience was genuinely interested in everything our colleagues explained. All together a huge succes.